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Zonterapeut/reflexolog 28.09.2021

Intressant läsning av en kunnig man om våra små vänner/ovänner bakterieflora i vår mage.

Zonterapeut/reflexolog 26.09.2021

Dagsfärsk artikel om Suramin från Sven-Erik Nordin. Ligger på hans sida "Svara doktorn" länk i kommentarerna

Zonterapeut/reflexolog 25.09.2021

The hyoid bone is the connection between the tongue and larynx. It forms one of the most amazing parts of our body with the tongue. The tongue is comprised of... intrinsic muscle and extrinsic muscle and is covered with mucous membrane. It is attached to a floating bone called the hyoid bone. Together with its attached muscles, the hyoid bone has two important functions: it holds up the tongue, which sits above it, and it holds up the larynx, which hangs below it. It also transmits the force of muscles that help to open the jaw. his floating bone is attached to many muscles anterior, posterior and inferiorly, which keeps it in place. This horseshoe shaped bone serves as an anchoring structure for the tongue and its surrounding muscles. This exceptional bone is found at the root of the tongue just above the thyroid cartilage, below the chin, at the midline of the neck. The four muscles above or superior to the hyoid bone provide attachment to muscles that form the floor of the mouth. But many other muscles are controlled by our tongue inferiorly or below the chin. They are attached to the collar bone The four infrahyoid muscles are referred to as strap muscles and are attached from the hyoid bone inferior to the clavicle, or scapula. If the tongue is anchored or tethered too tightly to the floor of the mouth, movement and function are restricted. This may associate with snoring, sleep apnea, gagging and vocal sounds. Without a clear airway normal breathing cannot take place. Should the tongue fall back into the airway while sleeping, snoring erupts and disrupts households One exercise to strengthen the tongue-hyoid connection is: - Open your mouth as wide as it goes - Place the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth. - If this feels like a stretch hold this for 10 seconds, rest for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times. - If you can do this easily, with your jaw open slide the tip of the tongue to the back of the throat. Do this ‘scraping’ movement 5 times You should feel a muscle pain in the neck area, this is the muscles connected to the hyoid bone. Do you feel the strain in the hyoid bone when moving the tongue? See more

Zonterapeut/reflexolog 22.09.2021

Better breathing is often referred to as belly breathing. Breathing is more complicated. The belly expands because you are sending the air pressure of your ...breath down towards your feet. Ideally, that means that your diaphragm is engaging, pulling down, and creating a vacuum that pulls air into your lungs. This allows them to expand fully and gives you all the oxygen you need. Healthy movement of the diaphragm also stimulates the vagus nerve, which helps with heart health, anxiety, digestion. But, you can expand your belly without taking a deep breath. Try it. Hold your breath and expand your belly. So good breathing isn’t just the belly moving forward. When we breathe, we need to engage all three parts of our lungs. We need to breathe into the chest, the ribcage, and into the belly. Breathing into all three parts is a full body breath. Here are some exercises to feel a full 360 degree breath: Chest breath Fill the upper chest. Make sure you’re not lifting the shoulders to breathe. The breath should come into the upper chest right under the collarbones and expand 360 degrees. Encourage them to keep the shoulders relaxed and the neck long. Rib breath Your ribs are quite pliable and expand 360 degrees. You can breathe into the ribs and feel them expand. Using this breathing, it allows the diaphragm to descend naturally without pushing down on the pelvic floor too hard. 1. Place hands around rib cage 2. Take a breath in feeling the hands move outward as the ribs expand. Back breathing Instead of breathing just by pushing out their belly you can breath into the lower back and the sacrum. This means your lower back will expand. 1. Place one hand on belly and one hand on low back to feel the breath 2. Feel expansion in forwards (belly) and backwards (lower back) on inhalation A full breath should activate each of these areas of the respiratory system. Could you breathe in these three directions?