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Lokalitet: Västerås, Sweden

Telefon: +46 21 444 86 06

Adress: Verksgatan 15 722 10 Västerås, Sweden

Hemsida: uddenvasteras.se

Anhängare: 557


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Udden Japanese Cuisine 28.09.2021

Japanska kosten består av alltid färskvaror och små portioner . Vad betyder det ? Maträtterna kännetecknas av kvalitet och inte kvantitet. Med andra ord ingen raffinerat och fet mat.

Udden Japanese Cuisine 27.09.2021

Celebrate Easter with us. Our restaurant offers the special plate that consists of both incredible different fish and fruit taste. The offer is only valid during Easter Holiday 02/04-05/04. Happy Easter

Udden Japanese Cuisine 27.09.2021

Japanska kosten består av alltid färskvaror och små portioner . Vad betyder det ? Maträtterna kännetecknas av kvalitet och inte kvantitet. Med andra ord ingen raffinerat och fet mat.

Udden Japanese Cuisine 27.09.2021

Paradise in each grain of rice and heaven in each bites of fish. #uddensushi #uddenvasteras

Udden Japanese Cuisine 27.09.2021

Sun is out, smile is out. This is what we call- Udden Collection. A sushi assortment that is made with passion and taste of love. ... Kristi Himmelsfärdsdag 13/05- Vi har öppet som vanligt 11:30-20:00. Det gäller Huvudmenyn för hela dagen.

Udden Japanese Cuisine 26.09.2021

We as Uddens would like to introduce some of our popular fishes that are served in our sashimi: Salmon- It’s A High Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Oily fishes serve as a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Yellowtail (it is also known as hamachi) is one of the most enjoyed. It has naturally light and sweet flavor, and it is a pure protein source. Carrying a lot of protein makes it a good option for those who want to get more protein in their diets, a useful thing for bui...lding muscle mass and helping to slim down. Tuna has lean meatiness which is due to its higher protein and lower fat content.

Udden Japanese Cuisine 26.09.2021

Paradise in each grain of rice and heaven in each bites of fish. #uddensushi #uddenvasteras

Udden Japanese Cuisine 25.09.2021

Sun is out, smile is out. This is what we call- Udden Collection. A sushi assortment that is made with passion and taste of love. ... Kristi Himmelsfärdsdag 13/05- Vi har öppet som vanligt 11:30-20:00. Det gäller Huvudmenyn för hela dagen.

Udden Japanese Cuisine 25.09.2021

We as Uddens would like to introduce some of our popular fishes that are served in our sashimi: Salmon- It’s A High Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Oily fishes serve as a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Yellowtail (it is also known as hamachi) is one of the most enjoyed. It has naturally light and sweet flavor, and it is a pure protein source. Carrying a lot of protein makes it a good option for those who want to get more protein in their diets, a useful thing for bui...lding muscle mass and helping to slim down. Tuna has lean meatiness which is due to its higher protein and lower fat content.

Udden Japanese Cuisine 22.09.2021

Celebrate Easter with us. Our restaurant offers the special plate that consists of both incredible different fish and fruit taste. The offer is only valid during Easter Holiday 02/04-05/04. Happy Easter