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Lokalitet: Torslanda

Adress: Torslanda Torg 2 423 32 Torslanda, Sweden

Hemsida: www.torslandatkd.se

Anhängare: 319


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Torslanda Taekwon-Do 27.09.2021

11.04.1955 11.04.2021 = TKD for all Dear Members! When General Choi Hong-Hi presented his Taekwon-Do to the public on 11.04.1955, he himself had not expected ...that it would spread so rapidly across the entire globe. Today 66 years later it is fair to say that it is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. Members in over 120 member countries on every continent bear witness to this. Starting with military training and publicising through TKD demonstration teams to the civilian population, Taekwon-Do today is not just competition for a few, but appeals to all social groups. This is proven by the number of members in all age groups. The attractiveness of the martial art, due to its versatility, is reflected especially in the youngest members (approx. 57% children), but also in the older generation (50 years plus). According to a recent survey, the proportion of women has meanwhile grown to 21% and even people with health deficits already make up 5%. General Choi’s Taekwon-Do has changed because it has also adapted to the changed social conditions and has thus become even more attractive without having lost its identity. We should continue on this path even in these difficult times in order to honour the legacy of the founder. Greetings to all with respect. GM Paul Weiler ITF President

Torslanda Taekwon-Do 27.09.2021

Vi välkomnar det nya året med en anpassad termin för omständigheterna. Ni har väl inte glömt att återanmäla er? Annars gör ni det via utskickat mejl senast 6 januari. Vi tränare ser fram emot vårterminen tillsammans med er

Torslanda Taekwon-Do 24.09.2021

Välkommen vårterminen 2021 - träningen för nybörjare startar v 4! Här tränar barn (som fyllt 6 år upp till 12 år i en grupp) och ungdomar och vuxna i en grupp! Föräldrar är givetvis välkomna att träna samtidigt som sina barn! Nybörjare tränar måndag och onsdag klockan 18-19... På grund av Covid-19 pandemi har vi ett begränsat antal platser! Gör en intresseanmälan på vår hemsida under fliken Anmäl dig här, för mer information http://www.torslandatkd.se

Torslanda Taekwon-Do 24.09.2021

Founded in 1966, the ITF celebrates this year its 55th birthday. Celebrate with us by sharing for a few days our "Happy Birthday ITF" frame. www.facebook.com/profilepicframes/ #ITF #TAEKWONDO #HappyBirthday

Torslanda Taekwon-Do 23.09.2021

Vi är stolta att få presentera Rasmus Holmblad som en av landslagets utövare och som kommer att få representera Sverige i VM i höst. Omständigheterna gör att tävlingen kommer att ske online.