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LoS Language Online Services 12.01.2022

Let's practise how to talk about ... TALENT. Do you know what the following idioms mean? 1. Was it always this way? Were you a natural at public speaking?... 2. He’s a first-rate musician. 3. She works harder than anyone and her course management is second to none. 4. I’m not cut out for an office job. Listen to our podcast show, complete the quiz and download my DIY lesson relating to this episode. Go to https://languageonlineservices.com/idiomania-podcast. LOS Idiomania is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

LoS Language Online Services 05.01.2022

Here's what I think. Getting better at English, or any other language, is about you and your mindset in the first place. It’s not about how many courses you sign up for or how many teachers you follow on YouTube, Instagram and/or Facebook (that's me, the dinosaur). ... Please answer the following questions before you rush to buy more stuff. 1. What kind of person am I? 2. Why do I want to get better at ... (English)? 3. How do I define success? 4. Which skill am I planning to work on most? 5. How have I practised this skill so far? 6. What can I do to further develop this skill? 7. What are 2-3 biggest learning challenges I'm currently experiencing? 8. Where did these challenges come from? 9. How can I overcome these challenges? 10. What stops me from becoming better at ... (English)? 11. How can I improve the way I practise ... (English)? 12. Who is going to give me regular and timely feedback on my progress? Is there anything you’d like to add? Fire away! https://languageonlineservices.com/consultants/

LoS Language Online Services 26.12.2021

Here’s a glimpse of what LOS Gallery is going to look like. In this short video, LOS founder and CEO Martin Norling introduces a number of lesson materials we’ve recently tailor-made for our clients. Not only does Martin use his Oculus Quest 2 headset, but the accompanying track is him playing and singing his favourite song If I Needed You by the great Townes Van Zandt. ... This gallery, which we will keep updated and share with people like you, is basically our newsletter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N121G5-wmzo Go to Suit Yourself E-Shop to see more lessons and courses, https://languageonlineservices.com/shop.

LoS Language Online Services 13.12.2021

This week's LOS Kudos goes to Jan for using the following expression. Well done Honza! Jan and I had our first 2022 English lesson last week. He seemed relaxed and cheerful after Christmas. :-) ... Check out more examples of our students' progress on https://languageonlineservices.com/2021/01/los-kudos.

LoS Language Online Services 30.11.2021

Here's this week's Compound Freaks. Can you guess what the missing word is? Check your answer and get more vocabulary practice on https://languageonlineservices.com//compound-freaks-season.

LoS Language Online Services 12.11.2021

Let's practise how to talk about ... PROCRASTINATION. Do you know what the idioms in the following sentences mean? 1. The report was due in September, but he’s dragged his heels. ... 2. Don’t dilly-dally for too long! 3. In health, we believe that a stich in time saves nine. 4. In the Brexit negotiations the British government continues to kick the can down the road. Listen to our podcast show, complete the quiz and download my DIY lesson relating to this episode. Go to https://languageonlineservices.com/idiomania-podcast. LOS Idiomania is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

LoS Language Online Services 31.10.2021

Here's my new vocabulary practice for B2-C2 students of English. Make it snappy. Make It Snappy is an idiom used to encourage someone to hurry up. ... However, snap is also the colloquial noun for an informal photograph. So when LOS make it snappy this means an opportunity to improve your language skills by studying a selection of pictures personal to us and there’s no hurry at all. :-) We believe that the best way to learn new things is to make them your own. Simply check out our students’ and colleagues’ stories with each snap and get a good understanding of the relevant vocabulary. Spatial: https://app.spatial.io/rooms/61d9973f9344f30001e2dc01 LOS Virtual: https://languageonlineservices.com/los-virtual

LoS Language Online Services 18.10.2021

It's quiz time! Can you guess what the following expression means? In our latest Idiomania show my English colleague Rory and I introduce a number of idioms relating to the language of innovation. ... Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com//po/los-idiomania/id1458516951 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7d7R1TpmD48vTNcko2WwI9 Idiomania web page: https://languageonlineservices.com/idiomania-podcast

LoS Language Online Services 12.10.2021

Here they are. This week's LOS Kudos picks. Well done everybody! ... Jarda described the Czech economy as being ADDICTED to Russian gas. Irrespective of the politics, the register of English is very high. Michal Tesla is a great advocate of electric cars and talked about THE LIFETIME of batteries rather than wasting time and energy on a long explanatory sentence about how long it takes before the batteries need to be replaced. Like I just did then. I'm exhausted! While on the subject of gas, Standa Hanuška didn't take the easy option of saying that prices had risen greatly. He said they had SKYROCKETED. Blast off! Instead of saying she had known a friend 'since they were children', Michaela Hanušková used the beautiful and quite poetic alternative FROM CHILDHOOD. Check out more examples of our students' progress on https://languageonlineservices.com/2021/01/los-kudos.

LoS Language Online Services 07.10.2021

Všichni, kdo m znají a sledují, vdí, že jsem vášnivým tenáem. Minulý rok jsem peetl JEDNU JEDINOU knihu o bobrech. Moc rád bych Vám tento titul doporuil. Kniha se jmenuje "Castor syr". Ne, není o Fidelovi ani o sýrech. ... Slow fashion, DIY, cirkulární ekonomika. To je to pesn to, o v této ticeti stránkové bichli bží. Ušít njakou vc na míru je umní. Knihu si urit tento rok pette. Rozšííte si obzory a nauíte se k tomu švédsky. Já se tento jazyk nauil jen díky Castorovi. Na tom, že ve Švédsku žiju od roku 2010 vbec nezáleží. Poádn se do jazyka zakousnte a state se Bobrem od Hroší eky. Kompletní Castorovu sbírku knih mžete zakoupit zde: https://www.bokus.com/cgi-bin/product_search.cgi. V pípad, že knihám a obrázkm nebudete rozumt, dejte vdt. Jazykový kouink ve švédštin a dalších 11 jazycích nabízím online i XR na https://languageonlineservices.com. Castor rockar fett! #personaldevelopment #professionaldevelopment #languagecoaching #vreducation

LoS Language Online Services 23.09.2021

Here's this week's Compound Freaks. Can you guess what the missing word is? :-) Check your answer and practise the vocabulary on my website https://languageonlineservices.com//compound-freaks-season.

LoS Language Online Services 10.09.2021

Here's this week's Compound Freaks. Can you guess what the missing word is? :-) Check your answer and practise the vocabulary on my website https://languageonlineservices.com//compound-freaks-season.