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BENZ-Online.EU 24.10.2021

Welcome Back to BENZ-Online.EU 2020 I will always be unimaginably furious about the fact that Instagram suddenly decided to shutdown the original @BENZ-Online.eu in May 2018 without any kind of forewarning. So many hours of my work with research, writing and photographing different pills was lost and impossible to reobtain. But despite my rage, about how Instagram deliberately violated my freedom of speach, the thought of opening up again and doing a official #relaunch have... certainly passed through my mind at several occasions. When the Original @BENZ_Online.eu was closed down and wiped clean, I immediately knew that a relaunch eventually would be inevitable. That’s why I kept on photographing rare pills, since I knew this day would come. Several unexpected things have affected me and caused a number of changes to my life for better or worse during these past two years, that’s probably the main reason why the relaunch have been delayed until now. I was supposed to post this photo of Pfizer's Xanax 2mg in May 2018 but that’s when I first found out that the original @BENZ_Online.eu actually had already been shut down. #benzonline2020 #relaunch #relapse #Pfizer #xanax See more

BENZ-Online.EU 07.10.2021

< BENZ-Online.EU > Alright, It's with great sorrow I must announce that the glorious days of BENZOnline_eu @ Instagram suddenly came to it's end late yesterday. I was just about to write a post for a great picture I took yesterday when the message on the printscreen appeared. I can't believe the hours I've spent updating the Instagram-account and they delete it in a second... As you can see, my account was disabled because I violated their legal terms, but why now after runn...ing fine for the past year? I am convinced that one or a couple of individuals has reported it to Instagram because of personal issues or reasons. I don't know at the moment what will happen or become of this, for the first time since it's creation I am sorry to say that my dedication took a serious hit with this and therefore I don't know right now if I will find another way or if this actually is the end of BENZ-Online.EU I make this post here, even tho the number of followers ain't even half the amount of Instagram-followers, because I don't know where else to announce this. I think about all the dedicated followers who suddenly can't find us... #BENZOnline #Instagram

BENZ-Online.EU 03.10.2021

BENZ-Online.eu is alive and well 2018 A happy new year from BENZ-Online.eu to all of you followers. A new post about Valium (Diazepam) including Zopiclone, Olanzapine and Pregabalin. Since last update I've had another epileptic seizure. The doctor put me on Lyrica (Pregabalin), Imovane (Zopiclone) and Zyprexa (Olanzapine) after the first episode. Zopiclone is a Z-drug, a benzodiazepine-analog and Olanzapine is a Thienodiazepine, which means the diazepine-ring in the chemic...al structure is fused to a Thieno-ring instead of a bensen-ring as benzodiazepines. Then when I ran out of my meds I had the second seizure and I woke up at Intensive Care again, there they told I could absolutely not let my medsupply run out. So this time I telephoned them in time to renew my recipes. When I did not hear a word from them in a week I got in touch with them again and this time they tell me my case is closed and I won't get any more Lyrica or Imovane. I don't know what they think I will do, but from experience I won't start to use short-acting benzos again, so now I'm back to benzo-basic with Diazepam, the kind kind of long-acting benzo. I was lucky enough to score the brand Stesolid 10mg manufactured by Actavis. But the important thing is that I won't start using benzo on any kind of regular basis again, I will use these when in need only and I will try to use only long-acting benzodiazepines. I'm to afraid of having another episode again. The very long biological half-life of Diazepam gives a low dependence liability and minimal withdrawal symptoms. I would argue that if Diazepam is used only in case of need occasionally the side-effects is not even noticable, so I support this benzo with a clean conscious. Anyway, Valium probably still is the most classic and recognizable brand among benzodiazepines and was the second one discovered by Roche, next after Librium (Chlordiazepoxide). #BENZOnlineEU #valium #diazepam #stesolid #roche #actavis #imovane #zopiclone #librium #chlordiazepoxid #zyprexa #olanzapine #lyrica #pregabalin #pfizer See more

BENZ-Online.EU 13.09.2021

keep follow @benz_online.eu to get sellected info, personal opinions, mostly based on my own experience of and relationship to #benzos and much more Ironically enough, my last update was about the importance of quiting benzodiazepines successively, but that maybe was a self-conscious post of mine, because merely days later my supply was abruptly cut-off. For the last 6-7 months, I've been using Alprazolam (Xanax / Xanor) medical dose of 4mg a day, taken 2mg on a 12-...hour basis. The withdrawal symptoms was nowhere near as bad when I came down from using 24mg alprazolam/day a couple of years ago, my main reason for keeping my dose low, but this time it ended in a epileptic-seizure. We were just getting of the train when I remember it happen, next thing I remember we are at the hospital and they send us home. I just got thrue my worst withdrawal. Now, I'm buying myself a 100p Diazepam (Valium/Stesolid) to have in case of emergency for the future. Don't gamble with this. Seriously it can be a matter of life and death if you really don't know what you're doing. Epileptic seizure is a serious withdrawal symptom and it ruined my plans that day, which was far too important to me. The necklace on the picture I got some week ago and I will wear it as no substance has affected my life more. #xanax #xanor #alprazolam #ksalol #valium #stesolid #diazepam #phizer See more

BENZ-Online.EU 08.09.2021

www.BENZ-Online.eu Now another week begins and I want to once again apologize for bad continuity in updates, work has taken most of my time, but the reason for not updating is actually that when I've taken time to spend at this, which really is nothing more then my interest and hobby, I've been busy with answering messages from you followers, most with different questions. The engagement from you people really is amazing and whatever your questions are, you should know th...at I appreciate every single one! I never imagined that sharing collected info and my own thoughts on this subject would raise this much interest and engagement from others, but please keep the questions and opinions coming, because getting people informed on the subject, if needed, was one of the basic ideas from start and if I can help you anymore by answering your messages, it is nothing but inspiring to keep this up, when I feel the appreciation! So thanks to you a thousand times people, long-term it is you who gonna keep this matter relevant and of course making me keep updating too, I have my ups&downs too of course, but no feeling is better then being able to help others with knowledge, when you realize you've the amount you spent reading up on all kinds of info about BZO's available, actively seeking more, new info. In part because, once upon a time, when I was coming off my hard alprazolam (Xanax/Xanor) addiction, I was almost dying without knowing, coming off 24mg/day (medical use rarely goes above 6mg/day) alprazolam by cutting off my own supply from one day to next, thinking I was gonna be fine (having no idea about the life-threatening danger I was putting myself in). If only I had read C.Heather Ashton's work on bzd-addiction and detox back then, she repeatedly points out the importance of quiting Bz-use successively, that's one reason why her work makes her a legend among benzo-users, so worship her. But access to a couple of Diazepam (Valium) probably saved my life back then, thank god. #alprazolam #benzodiazepines #benzo #xanax #xanor #diazepam #valium #benzopic #pfizer See more