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Lokalitet: Stockholm, Sweden

Anhängare: 520


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Anno 1808 11.10.2021

A chaplain to our liking Johan Christoffer Hult, born 1755, became the Regimental Chaplain of Uplands Regemente on the 8th of June 1788. In that capacity, he accompanied the regiment to the war* in Finland the same year. Having embarked on transport ships in Sweden, the fleet was left waiting for wind, and the officers passed the time with cards. Chaplain Hult was a merry fellow who seldom said no to a game, therefore an officer was sent to enquire for his reason of absence... one Saturday evening. The chaplain explained that he had to prepare his sermon for the following day, and was contemplating a suitable text. The officer immediately replied: "I have a good one. Come hither. Let us drink. Amos 4:1". "Well, that will do!" said Chaplain Hult, and rejoined the card table. The following day he started his sermon with the received "text", delivered in such a powerful way that several of the officers forgot all about the expected joke. * https://en.wikipedia.org//Russo-Swedish_War_(1788%E2%80%93