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Lokalitet: Ronneby, Sweden

Adress: Strandgatan 8 37230 Ronneby, Sweden

Hemsida: www.pavingpathscommerce.com

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Pavingpathsinternational 27.09.2021

You never ever need to be stuck again when it comes to deciding what business to go into. Learn how to generate powerful business ideas by leaning into the inte...lligence of other people. PS: For working women who are interested in starting and running their own highly profitable business, I have a group for you where we answer your questions and support you on your journey, click on the link below to join. facebook.com/groups/640404666410770

Pavingpathsinternational 26.09.2021

You are welcome to join us here https://www.facebook.com/groups/377439493101502/

Pavingpathsinternational 26.09.2021

Why it is important to have the ability of Decision making. A salesman for the LaSalle Extension University called on a real estate dealer, in a small western t...own, for the purpose of trying to sell the real estate man a course in Salesmanship and Business Management. When the salesman arrived at the prospective student’s office, he found the gentleman pecking out a letter by the two-finger method, on an antiquated typewriter. The salesman introduced himself, then proceeded to state his business and describe the course he had come to sell. The real estate man listened with apparent interest. After the sales talk had been completed the salesman hesitated, waiting for some signs of yes’’ or no from his prospective client. Thinking that perhaps he had not made the sales talk quite strong enough, he briefly went over the merits of the course he was selling, a second time. Still, there was no response from the prospective student. The salesman then asked the direct question, You want this course, do you not? In a slow, drawing tone of voice, the real estate man replied: Well, I hardly know whether I do or not. No doubt he was telling the truth because he was one of the millions of men who find it hard to reach decisions. Being an able judge of human nature the salesman then arose, put on his hat, placed his literature back in his briefcase, and made ready to leave. Then he resorted to tactics which were somewhat drastic, and took the real estate man by surprise with this startling statement: I am going to take it upon myself to say something to you that you will not like, but it may be of help to you. Take a look at this office in which you work! The floor is dirty; the walls are dusty; the typewriter you are using looks as if it might be the one Mr. Noah used in the Ark during the big flood; your pants are bagged at the knees; your collar is dirty; your face is unshaved, and you have a look in your eyes that tells me you are defeated. Please go ahead and get mad-that’s just what I want you to do, because it may shock you into doing some thinking that will be helpful to you and to those who are dependent upon you. I can see, in my imagination, the home in which you live. Several little children, none too well dressed, and perhaps none too well fed; a mother whose dress is three seasons out of style, whose eyes carry the same look of defeat that yours do. This little woman whom you married has stuck by you but you have not made good in life as she had hoped, when you were first married, that you would. Please remember that I am not now talking to a prospective student because I would not sell you this course at THIS PARTICULAR MOMENT if you offered to pay cash in advance, because if I did you would not have the initiative to complete it, and we want no failure on our student list. The talk I am now giving you will make it impossible, perhaps for me ever to sell you anything, but it is going to do something for you that has never been done before, providing it makes you think. Now I will tell you in a very few words exactly why you are defeated; why you are pecking out letters on an old typewriter, in an old dirty office, in a little town: IT IS BECAUSE YOU DO NOT HAVE THE POWER TO REACH A DECISION! All your life you have been forming the habit of dodging the responsibility of reaching decisions, until you have come, now, to where it is well-nigh impossible for you to do so. If you had told me that you wanted the course, or that you did not want it, I could have sympathized with you, because I would have known that lack of funds was what caused you to hesitate, but what did you say? Why you admitted you did not know whether you wanted it or not. If you will think over what I have said I am sure you will acknowledge that it has become a habit with you to dodge the responsibility of reaching clear-cut decisions on practically all matters that affect you. The real estate man sat glued in his chair, with his under jaw dropped, his eyes bulged in astonishment, but he made no attempt to answer the biting indictment. The salesman said good-bye and started for the door. After he had closed the door behind him, he again opened it, walked back in, with a smile on his face, took his seat in front of the astonished real estate man, and... To continue this story, I will like to invite you to click on the link and be a part of our Facebook group The Super Star Entrepreneur https://www.facebook.com/groups/377439493101502/?epa=SEARCH_BOX YOU ARE HIGHLY WELCOME.

Pavingpathsinternational 25.09.2021

My dear super star Entrepreneurs, we all know at this point that we cannot talk about succeeding in our businesses until we all are clear with our definite chie...f aim. To put an icing on the cake, please read the abstract below. If you need more support after reading this, please let me know so I can share with you our "Passion Finder Swipe File". There is some one thing that you can do better than anyone else in the world could do it. Search until you fine out what this particular line of endeavor is, make it the object of your definite chief aim and then organize all of your forces and attack it with the belief that you are going to win. In your search for the business for which you are best fitted, it will be well if you bear in mind the fact that you will most likely attain the greatest success by finding out what business/work you like best, for it is a well known fact that a man generally best succeeds in the particular line of endeavor into which he can throw his whole heart and soul. -Napoleon Hill NB: If you haven’t watched the video I made on Saturday, please do, in it I talked about practical ways to take advantage of this season with your businesses. As you already know it, I LOVE YOU ALL This post is copied from The Super Star Entreprenuer group. To join, please click on this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/377439493101502/